This page contains information on where can we see our notifications and how can we manage the notifications better.
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This page contains information on where can we see our notifications and how can we manage the notifications better.
Last updated
If you navigate to the "Notifications" section in the side bar, You will find that there are two tabs. In one tab, You can se your notifications and in other you can manage your notifications settings. Here is what is means
As of now there are following types of Notifications are being sent.\
User Message
Whenever end user send any message through eleapi
Receive Notifications - Who will receive the notifications. Only the person whom chat is assigned or all team members Desktop Notifications - Enable/disable the desktop notification while web app is opened. Mobile Push Notifications - Enable/disable the mobile push notification while mobile app is installed and opened.
Live Chat Request
Whenever end user requests for the live chat
Desktop Notifications - Enable/disable the desktop notification while web app is opened. Mobile Push Notifications - Enable/disable the mobile push notification while mobile app is installed and opened.
New Lead
Whenever any new lead has captured by Bot
Desktop Notifications - Enable/disable the desktop notification while web app is opened. Mobile Push Notifications - Enable/disable the mobile push notification while mobile app is installed and opened.